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Daisuke anarchy breathing

This page is the creation of Rebleo1. Any ideas must be submitted to me. Please value my hard work and do not copy without my permission.

Anarchy Breathing ( () (ちっ) (すじょ) () (きゅう) Muchitsujo no kokyū?) is a breathing style derived from Flame Breathing that has to rely on a rage like mindset to become unpredictable(different emotions are also applicable). The greater ones emotions the stronger each following attack gets, but the weakness is that the smaller someones emotions get the weaker their strikes will become. This Breathing Style was created by Daisuke Haruno.

Known Users[]

Known Users
Daisuke haruno better crop 2nd anarchy user Image
Daisuke Haruno
Rai Jinsei
(student (thunder style)
Hikari Izumani
(Sxerver's OC)

Different flame colors from emotions[]

  • Purple (Anger) ( (いか) りの (むらさき) Ikari no Murasaki?) - The most used color of the style is purple as it shows the anger of the person, an emotion which was integrated into the forms from the moment it was created.
  • Blue (Sadness) ( (かな) しみの (あお) Kanashimi no Ao?) - The weakest and most unknown color that is generated from sadness, currently nothing else is known.
  • Black (Hatred) ( (にく) しみの (くろ) Nikushimi no Kuro?) - The black flame is the flame generated by an emotion far stronger than rage this being hate, when the user their hatred grows insanely high they will start having black embers join their flames or when there is only hate to be found the flame will turn black.
  • Maroon (Willpower) ( (こころざし) (くり) Kokorozashi no Kuri?) - The dark red flames are the representation of bravery and willpower, when one their willpower is strong enough it will even make the flame create small sparks around it.
  • Green (Happiness) ( (よろこ) びの (みどり) Yorokobi no Midori?) - Green is the indicator of usage of a euphoric state of happiness. The only thing known about it is that it will increase ones speed but strength will be lost.
  • Cyan (Hope) ( (ねが) いの (あお) (みどり) Negai no Aomidori?) - Cyan is the indicator that the strongest emotion present in the user is hope for the future, it will greatly increase the users durability.
  • Gold (Transparent World) ( (とく) (しゅ) (いろ) 黄金 (こがね) () (とお) () (かい) Tokushu no Iro, Kogane: Sukitōru Sekai?) - The golden flame currently never achieved as it is the flame that is formed when the user is in the see through world. As you could probably assume this flame is the strongest one achievable through natural means.
  • Black with Blood Red Sparks (Demon) ( (じゃ) (しん) (いろ) () (ぐろ) (あく) () Jashin no Iro, Chiguro: Akuma?) - When a demon utilizes this breathing style the flame will turn black and blood red sparks will fly off from the flames and every move will be able to slice 2 times further than it normally should be able to go due to the mysterious powers of demons.

Known Techniques[]

Flame style

  • First Form: Corrupting Slash ( (いち) (かた) () (はい) 切付 (きっつけ) Ichi no kata: Fuhai Kittsuke?) — When hit by this attack, the cut will start to burn, but when touching it, it will feel unbearably cold.
  • Second Form: Awakening of Disorder ( () (かた) 障害 (しょがい) 目覚 (めざめ) Ni no kata: Shōgai no mezame?) — Similar to thunderclap and flash, but unlike Thunderclap and Flash, the sword doesn't need to be held a specific way just the movement of legs is important.
  • Third Form: Judgement Day ( (さん) (かた) 審判 (しんぱん) () San no kata: Shinpan no hi?) — Takes care of any unwanted enemies before the fight has even begun, when attacked and the user is holding their blade backhanded, they´ll unsheath it and slice upwards, when done correctly they can slice someone in two even sides.
  • Fourth Form: Disruption of Peace ( () (かた) 平和 (へいわ) 崩壊 (ほかい) Shi no kata: Heiwa no hōkai?) — A rapid barrage of slashes gets performed while standing in an exact spot without moving position and with every slash having the same effect as First Form: Corrupting Slash ( (いち) (かた) () (はい) 切付 (きっつけ) Ichi no kata: Fuhai Kittsuke?).
  • Fifth Form: Rising Moon ( () (かた) (のぼ) (つき) Go no kata: Nobotsuki?) — A cresent formed slash that instantly closes a wound it has made when used. It can prevent a demon from healing a limb in an instant.
  • Sixth Form: Sinking Sun ( (ろく) (かた) () 太陽 (たいよ) Roku no kata: Chintaiyō?) — An attack from a falling position where the blade can be aiming straight down or be used while spinning in the air to have diagonal or horizontal slashes.
  • Seventh Form: Resting Doom ( (しち) (かた) 休息 (きゅそく) 運命 (うんめい) Shichi no kata: Kyūsoku no unmei?) — The user uses a rare state of calm mind to trick the enemy and strike in an instant with the force doubled.
  • Eighth Form: Natural Order ( (はち) (かた) () (ぜん) (ちっ) (すじょ) Hachi no kata: Shizen Chitsujo?) — A barrage of slashes in a 360° area around the user are thrown to anyone or anything that gets in range of the blade.
  • Ninth Form: Dystopian Charge ( () (かた) 暗黒 (あんこく) (しゅう) (げき) Ku no kata: Ankoku Shūgeki?) — It is used while running. During the attack, purple flames will ignite from the blade making the same type of cuts as First Form: Corrupting Slash ( (いち) (かた) () (はい) 切付 (きっつけ) Ichi no kata: Fuhai Kittsuke?).
  • Tenth Form: Imbalance ( (じゅう) (かた) 不均衡 (ふきんこ) Jū no kata: Fukinkō?) — A combination of purple and black flames that surround the user as their entire blade ignites in a purple flame and even the slightest cut can defeat any enemy as just a simple cut will result in multiple slashes appearing a few seconds later and the angrier the user is at the moment of the cut, the stronger, more powerful and deeper the slashes will be.
  • Eleventh Form: Doom Bringer ( (じゅう) (いち) (かた) (うん) (めい) (もち) (ぬし) Jū Ichi no kata: Unmei no Mochinushi?) — When the user is in a lot of pain they will be able to use this form, they will get completely covered in black flames and the fire on their blade goes from purple to a pure black as they will start to run around the target at an insane speed making it seem like there are multiple enemy who get closer and closer to the target all slashing them for a full minute.
  • Twelfth Form: Spiraling Hatred ( (じゅう) () (かた) (ぞう) () (ほのう) Jū Ni no Kata: Zōo no Honō?) — When the user is in a state of extreme pain and hatred there blade will be consumed in black flames, the user will strike their target at high speeds that create afterimages to confuse the target after each strike will be three times as powerful than the last so that the target will have no time to react.

Thunder style

  • First Form: Paralyzing burst— The user gets in a very compact stance that makes everything that isn't that heavy within a meter get pushed away as the user is going to fly forward at insane speeds going for a swift decapitation, but when a cut was not able to decapitate the target who got hit will be in extreme pain and won't be able to move for a couple of seconds.
  • Second Form: Blazing thunder— The user will throw slashes at their opponent as burning bolts of lightning slowly surround them and unless they stand completely still they will be hit but if they do not move they won't be touched but this gives the user the time to use this moment of safety, to throw a new attack or flee away.
  • Third Form: Start of War— The user will appear infront of their opponent like First Form: Paralyzing burst but instead of a cut that is horizontal it will be a vertical slash from up as a lightning bolt strikes them, this form is never just used when slaying demons it is usually followed up by another form as it does not decapitate but does keep them unable to move.
  • Ultimate Form:Heavenly Smite— The user will charge up all their energy into their muscles as bolts of black lightning shoot out and arc on everything within 10 meters and the user will shoot away throwing something they can stand on in the air and flying up and propelling themselves from whatever they threw in the air and fly towards their opponent with immense speed decapitating them as if they are not able to nearly all of their bones will break from the sheer force of their speed.

Water style

  • First Form: Tidal Crush— The user will move like waves while having a peaceful mindset and right before attacking they will let their emotions take control and slash them with their full power.
  • Second Form: Divine Flood— As the user grips their blade tightly they let their emotions spread through their body, as they will rush to the opponent slicing low, rushing back slicing higher, each slash being filled with more emotion than the previous one, this will continue until the target is sliced in 12 pieces.
  • Third Form: Eroding River— The user will be moving from side to side and with each side step a deeper cut in the targets body will be performed, this is done until the head of the target is completely cut off.

Wind style

  • First Form: Vortex of Wrath— The user will spin blade as they create a vortex pulling in their target as they will be able to swiftly cut off their head.
  • Second Form: Armageddon's Hurricane— As the user stand infront of the target they will begin to appear around them with afterimages each raising their sword above their head as they all slash at the same spot in the same direction with such power it creates an air rotation powerful enough to pull a grown man in the air.(this form can be used on multiple targets by those who have mastered it.)

Stone style

Stone style utilizes a spear to fight

  • First Form: Bouldering Death— The user will send out a barrage of attacks striking harder with every strike with the seventh strike breaking the ground beneath the targets feet.
  • Second Form: Continental Drift— The user will first slam down the blade of their spear to their target as they then use that momentum to fall on the ground and slash at knee height to the right before slashing to the left at neck height with great speed using this momentum the fly up in the air by 3 meters as they will strike the target with their fall.

Storm style

  • First strike: Wrath— The user moves at lightning speeds breaking the sound barrier as the friction of the blade makes the opponent ignite instantly with a bolt of thunder striking right after the sword isn't connected to the target anymore.
  • Second strike: Despair— The user dashes at the target while performing slashes. Each of these slashes will be stationary in the air as lightning crackles from them, but the moment the users blade touches the target each slash will fly straight towards them too. With each slash hitting the target, a roaring thunder is heard.

Breathing Style Relationship Chart[]



  • When a human is cut by the first form the only way to make the pain go away is by covering the slice with ice.
  • More depth of emotional relations to the style are being created at this moment.
  • An anarchy breathing style that takes inspiration from another breathing style than flame is possible but has just never been attempted.
  • Thunder style makes the the lightnings color change as well as send out small shockwaves after every spark that occurs when using it.
  • If you are looking for the demonized version of anarchy breathing, be sure to check out Anarchy breathing - Demonized made by Sxerver.
  • While having multiple styles only flame and thunder style are at this moment "canon" to the story.