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Death Breathing ( () () (きゅう) Shi no kokyū?) is a personal Breathing Style created by the Death Hashira, Masayoshi Amaterasu. The Death Breathing itself originally branched out from the Molecule Breathing Style and is one of the many "aspect" Breathing Styles in existence; the others being the Life Breathing, the Kami Breathing, the Peace Breathing, the Blessing Breathing, and the Divinity Breathing. The Life Breathing, the Kami Breathing, the Peace Breathing, the Blessing Breathing, and the Divinity Breathing are themselves branched from the Death Breathing combat style. In addition, the Fire Breathing is also branched out from the Death Breathing, representing the fires of purgatory.

Death Breathing is considered as holding a form of "dominance" over the whims of the Underworld, specifically the concept of "death". However, only one of the Goddess of Death, Sui-no-kami-sama, has personally chosen can use Death Breathing - to be specific only a student of Masayoshi Amaterasu (the Death Hashira) can use the style and the powers associated with it. Due to the harmful effect of the Death Breathing, these students of the Death Hashira are changed into members of the Hagashi race and are thus "children of death". Due to the potency of the style itself, a normal human would die as the dangerous acid chemical-like techniques which physically invoke aspects of the underworld and of death itself is enough to melt their bones and the marrow in their bones.

Breathing Style Relationship Chart[]



  • First Form: Killing Strike ( (いち) (かた) Ichi no Kata: Satsujin Sutoraiki?) - The user dashes at their opponent at a blitz-like speed, decapitating them in a single swift slash. Can be deadlier if the user coats their weapon in death energy resulting in an instant kill if it reaches contact.
  • Second Form: Aspect Manifest - Underworld ( () (かた) Ni no Kata: Sokumen Saigen - Meikai?) - The user swings their sword in a full 180 degrees that unleashes air that can damage or kill the enemy in where the user swings and can be instant kill if the weapon is coated in death energy. This form copies Moon Breathing, Seventh Form: Mirror of Misfortune, Moonlit.
  • Third Form: Tormented Howls of the Underworld ( (さん) (かた) San no Kata: Kurushime Rareta Tōboe no Meikai?) - The user swiftly slashes the enemy at the speed of sound while also taking the form of a wolf bite.
  • Fourth Form: Chaos of the Underworld ( () (かた) Shi no Kata: Meikai no Koton?) - The user teleports in front of the enemy and unleashes a barrage of slashes that instantly kill anything that is living. Can be used for major offenses. Useful for close combat.
  • Fifth Form: Gates of Death ( () (かた) Go no Kata: Shin no Mon?) - The user summons a coffin on the ground and the coffin Extracts a fallen enemies shadow, creating a copy of them. The chance of the success depends on the strength of the one being revived compared to the user, the time passed since death and if the user killed the enemy. Can only be attempted on an enemy thrice. Also the amount of coffins that can be summoned will drain the users energy after they are summoned depending on the strength of the summoned shadow.
  • Sixth Form: Unholy Justice ( (ろく) (かた) Roku no Kata: Fujōnaru Seigei?) - The user slashes at the speed of light in mid-air reaching the enemy even when it's not in contact. This form is copied from Destructive Death: Air Type. Akaza's BDA.
  • Seventh Form: Mercy Slashes ( (しち) (かた) Shichi no Kata: Jihi no Katto?) - A series of swift slashes intended to speed down the regeneration of demons; best used with a Bright-Red Nichirin Katana.
  • Eighth Form: Aspect Manifest - Fields of Punishment ( (はち) (かた) Hachi no kata: Sokumen Saigen - Batsu no Ba?) - The user thrusts their weapon on the ground and unleashes a shockwave of death energy killing anything up to 20-30 mile radius around the weapon. Useful for multiple enemies.
  • Ninth Form: Aspect Manifest - Asphodel Meadows ( () (かた) Ku no Kata: Sokumen Saigen - Afoderosu no Nohara?) - The user coats their weapon in death energy and launches forward in blinding speed, and stabs their sword in the enemy multiple times causing the death energy to flow in their body and disintegrates them instantly. Useful to shorten the distance. This form copies Butterfly Dance: Caprice.
  • Tenth Form: Aspect Manifest - Elysium ( (じゅう) (かた) ? Jū no Kata: Sokumen Saigen - Erijiumu) - The user twists their body and creates a 360 powerful slash that can disintegrate anything that it hits. Useful for major offensive capabilities. This form copies Sun Breathing, Clear Blue Sky but deadlier.
  • Eleventh Form: Scythe of Shinigami-sama ( (じゅう) (いち) (かた) Jū Ichi no Kata: Shinigami-sama no Ōgama?) - The user slashes their sword 5 times in the air creating air slashes that spin and resemble a scythe. When the slashes reach in contact they explode and create a small fog that when inhaled can instantly kill anything. fog lasts for 10 seconds before disappearing.
  • Twelfth Form: Gentle Caress ( (じゅう) () (かた) Jū Ni no Kata: Yasashī Aibu?) - The user slashes in all directions to destroy any attack and defends the user magnificently. Useful for defense.
  • Thirteen Form: Aspect Manifest - Memories ( (じゅう) (さん) (かた) Jū San no Kata: Sokumen Saigen - Kiyō?) - The user creates a dark mist that makes the enemy see "fake happy memories" to distract the enemy.
  • Fourteenth Form: Chaos Reincarnate ( (じゅう) () (かた) Jū Shi no Kata: Koton Tensei?) - This form can only be activated when the user is in near-death or about to die. Then when the form activates a portal appears and sends out massive barrages of ranged slash attacks for 5 seconds. Then after 5 seconds, the user reincarnates back to life. This form can be only used 10 times then it is utterly useless.
  • This can OBLITERATE demons

    10-15 mile attack range

    {Exclusive to only Amaterasu clan} Fifteenth Form: Awaiting Demise ( 終焉を待っている Jū Go no Kata: Shūen o matte iru) - The user slashes its sword downward and creates a death beam above exploding downwards and kills anything it touches. Useful for long range. This form is copied from Moon Breathing, Sixteenth Form: Moonbow, Half Moon. attack only available anywhere around the user in a 10 to 15-mile radius. More Destructive and powerful when infused with death energy.


Moon Breathing, Sixteenth Form: Moonbow, Half Moon

Masayoshi Amaterasu
(Current Hashira)
Aria Kocho
(Former Tsuguko)
Hibiki Rengoku
(Current Tsuguko)
Fumio Kocho Haruto Shinazugawa Haruto Tsuyuri