Kimetsu no Yaiba Fanon Wiki

The Dragon Breathing ( (りゅう) () (きゅう) Ryū no kokyū?) is a Breathing Style that is distantly derived from the Flame Breathing and the personal creation of Zubitō Yamakaze after training with his master to create his own breath style.


Dragon Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics dragons, specifically their savage and brutal power, as well as their sacred and divine. Most, if not all of the techniques take the form of or imitate the sounds of dragons or parts of a dragon such as dragon heads, wings, claws, and tails, accompanied with loud roaring sounds and shockwaves for extra destruction. Dragon Breathing also takes immense willpower and passion in order to visualize dragons. It can be assumed that it can only be utilized by someone who uses chained nichirin weapons, Kusarigamajutsu, has incredible willpower, and extreme flexibility and athleticism.

This Breathing Styles movements is very reminiscent of the real life Brazilian martial art, Capoeria, a martial art that focuses on evasion, kicks, and acrobatic movements.

It can be assumed that the user wields two Katana like weapons chained, and they can be dechained when required. The chain also has a grip in middle like a Katana. When in combat a user is able to use some of the techniques with only one dechained sword.

The only known user, Zubitō Yamakaze after training to create his self taught style, combines his developed superhuman sense of touch with his Breathing style, boosting his sense of touch to the point of extrasensory perception, being able to sense attacks from his blind spots, sense emotions, see enemy positions, and weak spots, through this, he is able to take advantage of their openings to much greater effect in combat.

Due to this reason the users of this style are know to have exceptional senses that surpass a normal hashira's though not anywhere near the original creator of this style.

Breathing Style Relationship Chart[]



Dragon Breathing has nine known techniques with two improvisation, one technique created during Zubito's fight against Yamihime and Iyoma and the other against Akoyu. Similar to Beast Breathing, only supplement moves are called "Forms", as assaulting Dragon Breathing moves are called "Scales" instead.

  • First Scale: Tempest Dragon ( (いち) (うろこ)   (あらし) (りゅう) Ichi no uroko: Arashi Ryū?) - The user whips up a whirlwind that resembles a Japanese dragon and charges to decapitate their opponents.
  • Second Scale: Yang Dragon Claws ( () (うろこ)   () (りゅう) (そう) Ni no uroko: Yo Ryūsō?) - The user swings their blades diagonally to create X shaped 3 clawed slashes that cleave his targets into pieces.
  • Third Scale: Orochi Fangs ( (さん) (うろこ)  大蛇 (りゅう) (きば) San no uroko: Orochi kiba?) - The user circles around their opponent with a dragon like serpent, slicing them 8 times from all directions.
  • Fourth Scale: Mount Dragon Skin ( () (うろこ)   (がく) (りゅう) (はだ) Shi no uroko: Gaku ryū hadae?) - The user holds the mid-section of the weapon and twirls it around to create multiple rotating wide ranged slashes to deflect incoming attacks.
  • Fifth Scale: Piercing Tail ( () (うろこ) 無限 (むげん) (りゅう) 紡車 (ぼうしゃ) Go no uroko: Kantsūbi?) - The user holds their blade out then delivers an extended slash followed by a dragon’s tail cutting everything 180 degrees in front of them.
  • Sixth Scale: Dragon Slasher ( (ろく) (うろこ) (りゅう) () () Roku no uroko: Ryū Kirisaki?) - The user jumps into the air and unleashes a savage barrage of 360° extended whip like slash. This technique is capable of decapitating multiple enemies at once.
  • Seventh Scale: Infinite Dragon Wheel ( (しち) (うろこ) 無限 (むげん) (りゅう) 紡車 (ぼうしゃ) Shichi no uroko: Mugen Ryubosha?) - The user backflips into the air and unleashes a circular slash that looks like a dragon eating its own tail, slashing apart anything below.
  • Eighth Scale: Seiryu ( () (うろこ) (セイ) (りゅう) Hachi no uroko: Seiryu?, lit. Azure Dragon) - The user charges forward at high speeds while enveloped by a blue dragon and decapitates the target with overwhelming menace.
  • Ninth Form: Dragon Dance ( () (かた) (りょう) (まい) Ku no kata: Ryumai?) - The user performs a mystic dance that allows them to increase their sense of touch and extrasensory perception to identify an enemy’s position, weaknesses, and protect their blind spots. This technique was so strong that Zubito Yamakaze could sense all the demons spread all throughout Mt. Natagumo.
  • Wrath of the Dragon ( (りゅう) 怒り (いかり) Ryu no Ikari?) - The user increases the power of their Breath style, physical, sensory, and mental abilities to an insane degree. The user gains the ability to see the ki stars within Demons to negate their Blood Demon Arts.
  • Ryujin no Todoroki ( (りゅう) (かみ) (とどろき) Ryujin no Todoroki?, lit. Roar of the Dragon God.) - The user dashes forward at blinding speeds and performs a large array of consecutive slashes in a continuous motion, dancing with a Japanese Dragon made of fire and lightning, with the final devastating slash being powerful enough to tear the ground apart in its wake, seemingly burning the air around themselves.


Zubito Yamakaze


Reine Abe

Tsukigu Supra

Zeno Chisaka

Ryoko Yamakaze Takumi

  • Zubito originally practiced with a stolen Thunder Breathing katana, but instead chose to create Dragon Breathing and make it a derivative of Flame Breathing.
  • Most of the techniques that take the form of actual dragons have Eastern - like designs, examples being the First Form, Third Form, Eighth Form, and the Eleventh Form, while the only form with a Western - like design is the Seventh Form.
  • During the Hashira Training Arc, Sakurai Morikocho studied Zubito to see if Wrath of the Dragon had any relation to the Demon Slayer Mark, it had absolutely nothing to due with the mark.
    • Zubito used Wrath of the Dragon repeatedly during the Final Battle Arc. This is what allowed him to fight the most powerful of demons like Doisai and Muzan with his stamina completely full.
  • Ryujin no Todoroki (lit. Roar of the Dragon God) is a literal reference to Seventh Form: Honoikazuchi no Kami (ノ  Shichi no kata: Honoikazuchi no Kami?, lit. Flaming Thunder God) created by Zenitsu Agatsuma from the actual manga.
    • This technique symbolizes the friendship and ties that Zubito has with Hikari and Akemi as the technique incorporates flames, an aspect of Hikari's Nikko Megami Kagura, Lightning, an aspect of Akemi and his Breathing Style, and finally, the dragon, an aspect of Zubito, which symbolizes how both Hikari and Akemi help guide and support Zubito.
