Kimetsu no Yaiba Fanon Wiki
Kimetsu no Yaiba Fanon Wiki

The Wood Breathing (木材 (もくざい) () (きゅう) Mokuzai no kokyū?) is an extremely powerful Breathing Style derived from all the main Breathing Styles other than the Moon Breathing. This Breathing Style can only be achieved when the user harmonizes with the environment around them and synchronizes their breathing with the flow of nature. This Breathing Style is in fact a reincarnation of the Sun Breathing.

Breathing Style Relationship Chart[]



  1. First Growth: Duo Bark Slashes ( (いち) 成長 (せいちょう) (ばい) (じゅひ) () Ichi no seichō: Baijuhi Giri?) - The swordsman strikes the opponent with one powerful slash on one side and strikes the other side instantaneously, giving the illusion of two blades cutting their foe.
  2. Second Growth: Reflective Trunks ( () 成長 (せいちょう) 内省的 (ないせいてき) 胴体 (どうたい) Ni no seichō: Neiseiteki Dōtai?) - The swordsman spins their sword in a circular motion while swinging it around their entire body in order to reflect practically all attacks.
  3. Third Growth: Hailing Splinters ( (さん) 成長 (せいちょう) (ひょう) () (へん) San no seichō: Hyō Hahen?) - The swordsman leaps high into the air falls onto their opponent accurately stabbing their opponent all over their body.
  4. Fourth Growth: Landscape Horizon Erosion ( () 成長 (せいちょう) 風景 (ふうけい) () 平線 (へいせん) (しん) (しょく) Shi no seichō: Fūkei Chiheisen Shinshoku?) - The swordsman firmly grasps their sword and gathers momentum to swing horizontally with enough power to demolish the landscape around the user. This slash is powerful enough to decapitate even the demon lord Muzan Kibutsuji's head.
  5. Fifth Growth: Decomposition of our Souls ( () 成長 (せいちょう) 分解 (ぶんかい) 精神 (せいしん) Go no seichō: Bunkai no Seishin?) - Much like the Water Breathing: Fifth Form - Blessed Rain After the Drought, the user decapitates their opponent with little to no pain and the demon's don't turn to ash but rather slowly decompose to a fertilizing material to aid the surrounding wildlife forever.
  6. 'Sixth Growth: Bonding of all Flora' ( (ろく) 成長 (せいちょう) (どう) () (あい) () () Roku no seichō: Dōshiai no Sahōhime?) - The swordsman does a Circular motoin slash revolving around the user.
  7. 'Seventh Growth: Blessing of all Fauna' ( (しち) 成長 (せいちょう) 祝福 (しゅくふく) 動物相 (どうぶつそう) Shichi no seichō: Shukufuku no Dōbutsushō?) - The swordsman .
  8. Eighth Growth: Biospheric Ciculation ( (はち) 成長 (せいちょう) 生物圏 (せいぶつけん) (じゅん) (かん) Hachi no seichō: Seibutsuken Junkan?) - The swordsman consecutively strikes their opponent with many twists and rotations allowing a significant amount of damage.
    • Eighth Growth: Improved - Eternal Metempsychosis ( (はち) 成長 (せいちょう) (かい) 永遠 (えいえん) () (てん) (しょう) () Hachi no seichō kai: Eien Rutenshōji?) - A combination of the Eighth Growth - Biospheric Circulation and the Water Breathing: Tenth Form - Constant Flux, a continuous barrage of attacks that that grows in power with each striking hit and rotation.
  9. Ninth Growth: Roots of the Heavens ( () 成長 (せいちょう) () こそぎの高天原 (たかまがはら) Ku no seichō: Nekōsoji no Takamagahara?) - The swordsman swings his sword upward
  10. Tenth Growth: Embarked Dome ( (じゅう) 成長 (せいちょう) (じょう) (せん) (まる) () () Jū no seichō: Jō-senmaruya?) - The swordsman .
  11. Eleventh Growth: Lamenting Dew ( (じゅう) (いち) 成長 (せいちょう) (なげ) () Jū Ichi no seichō: Nagekuro?) - The swordsman .
  12. Twelfth Growth: Photosynthetic Ray ( (じゅう) () 成長 (せいちょう) 光合成 (こうごうせい) (かり) Jū Ni no seichō: Kōgōse-ikari?) - The swordsman points their sword towards the sky and then at their opponent and a large laser from the sky incinerates them. In reality, the pose of the swordsman is an illusion and they fall towards their opponent and strikes them with innumerable slashes cutting every single cell of their opponent's body.
  13. Thirteenth Growth: Evolutionary Adaptation ( (じゅう) (さん) 成長 (せいちょう) 進化的 (しんかてき) 適応 (てきおう) Jū San no seichō: Shinka-teki Tekiō?) - The swordsman .
  14. Fourteenth Growth: Blossoming Wisteria Petals ( (じゅう) () 成長 (せいちょう) (かい) () (ふじ) (はな) びら Jū Shi no seichō: Kaika Fujihanabira?) - The swordsman sheaths and unsheathes his sword to unleash a huge flurry of consecutive strikes that graciously flow similar to the Flower Breathing: Fifth Form - Peonies of Futility. If the attack cuts the demon, it can greatly reduce the rate of regeneration due to the Wisteria poison within the attack.
  15. Fifteenth Growth: True Summit Enlightenment ( (じゅう) () 成長 (せいちょう) (しん) (じつ) () (ちょう) (てん) () 啓発 (けいはつ) Jū Go no seichō: Shinjitsumi Chōtento Keihatsu?) - The swordsman mentally becomes one with their environment and unleashes all of the previous forms in rapid succession, dramatically increasing their strength, endurance and speed. Aurim used this attack along with the Sun Breathing: Thirteenth Form with Tanjiro Kamado in order to stall Muzan Kibutsuji long enough for the sun to rise.
  16. Sixteenth Growth:Wood Puncture Strangling - the swordsman performes a Spiral Wood Slash on a circular motion.


Aurim Omatsuke (Creator and Hashira)

